GATSby Benchmarks
How we meet the Gatsby Benchmarks at Young Reporter:
1. A stable careers programme:
This is a structured programme that has been running for 14 years
During this time, we have worked with hundreds of schools and thousands of students
It offers real life experience in the media
Students are expected to write one article every month for the duration of the eight month programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information:
Students, schools and parents are provided with video links and written information about the scheme
Pupils are given instructions on how to use Newsquest Media Group’s software
Access is given to the Student Hub on the Young Reporter Scheme website
Students are taught how to upload an article using the software provided and provide them with their own login
They are also given instructions on how to structure articles and write within designated categories
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil:
Full support and guidance given on an individual basis to students if requested by the school
All students completing the scheme receive a Letter of Recognition, which can be used with their CV and UCAS applications. This is recognised in universities across the UK and abroad
A wide range of advice given on how to write an article, topics to write about, guidelines to stick to and libel and copyright issues
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers:
All students are encouraged to expand their writing skills to fall in line with the type of writing which would be expected in the school classroom
This would fall in line with English language and Media studies
The Young Reporter Scheme works alongside Duke of Edinburgh and students completing the scheme can be signed off on the Skills section for Bronze, Silver and in some cases, Gold
5. Encounters with employers and employees:
An initial lecture is provided by trained journalists to explain how the scheme works
Additional mentoring sessions are on offer throughout the scheme to assist students and enhance their writing skills
6. Experience of workplaces:
Students are offered external work experience with outside organisations who have been linked to us. These have included work with the Metropolitan Police, the NHS, Newsquest Media Group, theatres in and around London and press events
Students are also exposed to a number of working environments through interviews we set up for them over the course of the eight months. These are ongoing from year to year
7. Encounters with further and higher education:
A university day is offered to all students completing the scheme who have competed and won prizes at the end of the programme
Students are treated as undergraduates at this event and have to produce the same standard of work that would be expected of a first year university student
8. Personal guidance:
Students receive group sessions to discuss progression and critique of their articles, thereby improving their writing skills
The Student Hub is there to also support if students have any questions